A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things I Miss....

Plain and simple update, a list of things (that I remember) that I miss.....(as usual in no particular order, so chill the fuck out)

-My grandparents
-My 1984 Cutlass
-My/My Grandfather's 1979 Grand Prix
-Some of my friends from Lowell
-Most of my old bands
-Hanging out in the halls of Lowell High
-My heated waterbed
-Going to the beach after working late at Market Basket with Amy and Co.
-From Zero (band)
-Flaw (band)
-Las Vegas
-My friends in England/London
-Playing drums
-Being on stage
-Watching Transformers, Ghost Busters, and Ninja Turtles back in the day
-Going to my Grandparents' house after school and watching mystery shows (Columbo, Banacek, ETC) and westerns with my Grandfather
-Eureka's Castle
-Ahh Real Monsters
-Most of the old Hannah Barbara cartoons
-Looney Toons
-Alot of my old band shirts (especially my Tool and Pantera ones)
-Having the summer off from school
-When working on cars for a living was a dream, not a hellish (at times) reality
-When life was simpler
-Drea, Kip, and any of my other friends who moved away
-Life before social networking websites
-My first 280Z
-Life before I realized 90% of people are assholes
-The time when reality TV didn't exist
-Livejournal hahahahaha
-The old Mentos commercials
-Using TechDecks in school hahahahaha
-Drumming on my desk to annoy the teacher
-The time I spent in Boston with Joe Booth and Co.
-My friends from other places than Lowell
-Skateboarding at Hadley skate park on Middlesex St. till 11 pm then having to skate home
-The time before my body was all beat up lol
-Battle Arena Toshinden 1 and 2 on PSone
-The Twisted Metal series
-Driving around with friends doing absolutely jack shit, but still having a blast
-When my memory worked
-Staring at the stars for no reason and just conversing with someone

There's more I'm sure, I just forget.


Wiley said...

"Battle Arena Toshinden 1 and 2 on PSone"

Hah, nice, we played this at the PaxEAST gamers conference last year in their "old console room." Brought back memories!

Unknown said...

things you remember that you miss... as opposed to things you don't remember that you miss? lol

oh and I can fix that Battle arena problem of yours... you've got a modded xbox right?


About Me

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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.