A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

In The Air Tonight.

So here I sit, on the most uncomfortable couch in the fucking world, trying to think of things to put on this page. I'm tired, beyond hungry, and forgot EVERYTHING I had wanted to put here.

So here's what I've got.

1.T-Mobile. FUCK YOU. I understand it was 99% microsoft's fault (and fuck, what isn't these days?) that my sidekick has been fucked up, but the fact of how little compensation you have offered in return for my headache ridden yet continued loyal service is insulting to say the least.

2.I do not consider golf a sport. Is it easy to do? No. But I fail to see how it is a sport. There are no other players physically stopping you from getting the ball in the hole, and hell, you could walk down to the green and drop the ball right in if you felt like it! Someone just created a "sport" for the sake of doing something the fucking hard way.
This subject is not open for debate.

3.Religion. I'm only touching this briefly and wearing bio-hazard gloves, because it is always a testy fucking subject. I REFUSE to talk about religion anymore. It is pointless, and always ends with me thinking "why the fuck do I bother?". I don't try to argue with people over it, hell i used to love to talk about it, but now the joy in even tickling the idea of talking about it is ruined. People are such closed minded buffoons, that life and see life with the blinders on, to the point where if you even QUESTION the possibility of a deity, you're and idiot and should be shot. Are all faithy (yep I just invented a word) like that? Absolutely not!!! I am not trying to lump everyone into one barrel here, but the majority is, and as it goes, the majority has ruined it for me and others. Sorry.

4.Bananas. Is it just me or do they seem to compliment almost every other food?! Peanut butter? AWESOME. Peanut butter and bananas? HOLY SHIT, FOODGASM. Chocolate? Great (unless you're allergic)!! Chocolate and bananas? BANANASPLOSION!!! See what I'm getting at here? I mean short of meats and cheeses, there are very few things bananas do not seem to make awesome.

5.People, for the love of (insert deity here), stop bringing your cars to mechanics. Including me. Why? Because you're just going to tell us we are fucking wrong, or that it's impossible, or that it is too expensive. Sorry to break this to you folks so late in the game but, and listen real fucking close....MOST (not all mind you) OF THE TIME, ITS YOUR OWN STUPIDITY AND LACK OF MAINTENANCE THAT BROKE THE FUCKING CAR. Funny thing, how not changing your oil for 30,000 miles can cause an engine to fucking fail due to lack of proper lubrication, isn't it? Yes, then you bring your car to the dealer, and expect it for free, and then blow your top when it isn't covered under warranty due to abuse. Well of course its our fault you're fucking ignorant, how rude of us not realize that. My humblest apologies.

6. Fat People. Just real quick, stop bitching that your seats break, or your car pulls to the left, or the seat squeaks when you sit down. Guess what? Its your 300lb ass (literally lol) that is causing it to happen. Yes there are people large enough out there to cause a car to pull to the left while driving, I swear on my life I've seen it.

7. Hip hop artists. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Your music is getting worse and more unoriginal every year. Seriously. The auto-tune phase was cute, but get over it and get back to basics, like oh I don't know.....decent lyric writing? There's so much bullshit going on these days and all you can seem to continually write about is (in no specific order) women, cars, and money? Please. Lock yourself in a room, and listen to NWA and Public Enemy, and don't come out until you have something legit to say.

8. The music industry. Fuck you, you are continually ruining all the music I love by cloning it if it is even remotely successfull.

9. Kanye West and JayZ. SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Hova, your new music is barely about mediocre, even by today's low as dogshit standards. Kanye, stop. Just...stop.

10. Even numbers. I'm very OCD about them, which is why this post is ending on number 10, and why I'm getting married on 11/2/09. 11+2+9= 22. Yeah, I suck with math, but I have an even number obsession. I'm weird.

Well I'm going to drown in a vat of egg nog now (the hood brand, all that other shit is horrid).



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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.