But first, a quick apology for letting this sit dormant for so long. I'm sorry.
Moving on.
So a couple weeks back a friend of mine I hadn't heard from in quite some time called me up, if only to TELL ME (no, not ask lol) that I would be accompanying him and his girlfriend down to PA to attend NICOfest again.
To be honest, even though I had an absolute blast the last time I went, I hadn't even thought about returning, never mind the fact that I am about a year removed from even owning a Nissan. Yes I have a Datsun, but whatever. So after some pondering, I said fuck it, why not.
The only thing that scared me a bit, is/was that the WRX is catless without a tune. At 150K, no tune and some track abuse can be....lets say....not healthy.
Another fun thing was that this would mean I would have to meet Jim's (the aforementioned friend who called me) new GF, and given my....erm....sense of humor, would be interesting.
Finally, the day arrived. Friday the 13th! DUN DUN DUN. I made sure as to load up some tools and spare automotive fluids just in case shit happened, as sometimes shit happens lol I made it to Jim and Jenn's abode in 2.5 hours, which isn't bad for a jaunt from NH to CT.
So I'll spare the boring details, but it was good to meet Jenn yadda yadda yadda, 8 hour drive blah blah blah.
So finally we arrive in PA. Giggity. We check in the hotel, park the cars, and unload that which is necessary to be unloaded. I know, I'm awesome with details. Moving on. So as comes with being human, and travelling long distances, WE WERE FUCKING HUNGRY. ROAR. Luckily for us (me!), there is a TGI FRIDAY'S!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So we go in, and take a seat in a booth in the lounge, because honestly, where else is fun to sit at a TGI Fridays? So we eat, I converse with various members of the waitstaff, and we get on with our lives. Then comes the hard part....
....Allocating alcohol. Oh Shit.
PA laws don't allow beer store to sell hard liquor. We wanted Liquor. Liquor store was closed. Lamesauce.
So we decided we might as well just go to the Hardware Bar at the hotel, as we had a freakin blast the last time Jim and I were down there. So off we went...La dee freakin da.
Apparently, this was douchebag and farm animal night. Why? Well every girl in he place was either a douchebag (the bartenders) or farm animals (the girl with no neck.). The only saving graces were that in between making snide comments about my drinks, the bartenders were on point as far as making the drinks, and the cover band wasn't bad. Jenn was super tired from a previous business trip, so she bowed out early, then Jim after that, and then I had two shots of Jager and a Vodka redbull then called it a night.
Does the weekend get better? Do unicorns appear? What is purple drank? STAY TUNED!