A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pleased to Meat You.

Another Sunday, another boring evening.

I have to be honest, I am looking forward to the coming weeks, as we are to the point where every couple days it will warm up to the 40s.

Still feeling good, which admittedly, scares the shit out of me. And save me the "oh you're so negative" bullshit, because it isn't true. I'm just realistic, and realistically, in my life, I've noticed that things only go this well for so long.

Oh joy, a Taco Bell commercial just came on, dealing with the topic of how their meat isn't 100% meat, but 88% quality ground beef, and the rest is their special recipe. Gimme a fucking break. I'm sorry, but if anyone is surprised by Taco Hell's meat not being 100% beef, well then you need to get slapped by a large fish. Although what I don't understand, is that everyone had stopped talking about it, but yet they felt the need to bring it up again? I highly doubt that anyone who was regularly eating Taco Fail stopped doing as such just because their meat was finally analyzed. Yes I chuckled typing that last sentence. So sue me.

Also, speaking of meat, I have yet to meet a vegetarian who can answer the following: Why is it wrong to kill, cook, and eat an animal (cow or otherwise)....but yet it is ok to kill a vegetable and eat it? Last I checked, plants are living and even breathing technically....so...what gives?

Moving on...

I'm watching the Knicks/Heat game.....good lord is this painful. Both teams keep trying to shoot 3s, and are failing hard, and good lord the Knicks are seemingly REFUSING to rebound. Shit, at this point I'd rather watch...dare I say....college hoops.

What else? I seem to be pretty much out of things to write about at this point....so....good night.

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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.