A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You're Biting Your Own Fucking Neck.

Wow. Its been awhile. No time for bullshit, so lets dive right into the cesspool.

People please, stop telling other people things over and over, when in reality you are telling them to yourself. I understand people disagree with you and that shakes your confidence in your decision, but going on and on about it just shows how little confidence you have in yourself. Someone disagreed with you, we get it. You apparently were never 100% on it in the first place if you have to keep discussing it.

Make your fucking bed, and take a god damned nap in it.

People please, stop using other people as your safety net when your fucking joke of a love life crumbles to ashes every 6 months to a year. You want nothing to do with us when you have a man/woman in your life, but the second you get bored with them and walk away from it, you're right the fuck back like you were never a ghost.

Actually while we're on that subject.....

When someone in the group FINALLY calls you out on your bullshit ghosting habits, don't take to Facebook and try to pawn it off as the person wanting your world to revolve around them. You're lying to your own immature delusional ass, as well as trying to bullshit everyone who reads your status into pitying you. Just because you can't see the brick wall you keep running into doesn't mean it isn't there. Don't be pissed when someone points out the obstacles you can't bring yourself to fucking deal with. I assure you, you have done nothing important enough that has affected me in a way where I would put you at the center of my world.....and frankly I don't think my attention span (comparable to a crack head's) would allow me to focus on you for too long anyway.

What else?

Oh yeah. People please stop lighting London on fire. Its not going to solve anything, and I happen to like London. Alot.


You're, your.....There, Their, Theyre.....Were, We're. Please learn the difference. Oh and stop using apostrophe S to pluralize EVERYTHING. Sheesh.


I'm not perfect. If the people read this that it is directed at, don't respond to it with the classic "Oh who is he to fucking talk? Like he's so perfect, he's this, he's that, he's done this and that, he has this and that issue", because I am well the fuck aware I am a walking ball of chaos/ignorance/stubbornness/fuckery. I never claimed to be perfect. People constantly call me out on some of my fuck ups, so I'm just passing it on to try and help others. Seriously. I know its hard to believe, but I really am trying to help. I know its probably not the best way, but you won't listen or respond to any other way.

Oh and I bet a psychologist would have a fucking FIELD DAY with me and what goes on in my cavernous cranium.

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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.