A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Ghost Inside

Ok let's get right to it!

I was reading the local newpaper, and it seems that there is an ethic committee being formed. Hmmm, interesting. Isn't it a bit late for this shit? In case anyone HASN'T noticed, we are currently fucked, and most of it has been caused by shady, greedy motherfuckers in governement and higher up in companies.

Where was the ethics committee when the whole ENRON bullshit went down? They fucked up bad, and pretty much just got a slap on the wrist....pretty amazing isn't it?

I think an ethics committee is a good idea, especially an independant one, but I think at this point, especially in Massechusetts it's too little too late.....I mean c'mon, remember the Big Dig catastrophe? Exactly.

How about motherfuckers just start being honest? HOLY SHIT CRAZY CONCEPT ALERT.
I honestly think I'd make an awesome politician. Why? Because, I never bullshit, and we could use someone with a wacky sense of humor in a government position.

I also wonder if things weren't as bad, if Obama would have won. Let's face it, NO ONE has touted for a legit change in ages, and if things were hey-ok I doubt change would've been such a strong message to send. I still wouldn't have voted for McCain/Palin, because no matter how good or bad things are....Palin is still a fucked in the head, ignorant, tool.

Next Subject:

One hit wonders are awesome. I know I know....WTF? Lol.

Think about it. Some of the best and most popular songs were made by one hit wonders, regardless of generation. Yes alot of them are forgettable, but when they come on you have that "Oh shit I remember and used to love this song!" moment everytime.

Case in point? Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. Yes the fricken Rick Roll song. It really isn't THAT BAD of a song. Is it a huge triumph in musical audio expression? Oh hell no. But It was popular for a reason, and all you motherfuckers making fun of it now fail to remember apparantly that it was people like you who made it popular in the first place.

Want another example? Sure! I'd be glad to oblige.

M.C. Hammer. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE makes fun of him and his style nowadays, but does no one remember he sold 15 MILLION FUCKING ALBUMS?!

I bought one. I used to listen to his shit all the fucking time growing up and I'm damn proud of it!

So how is it everyone acts like they never ever liked his shit? He didn't buy the CDs himself did he? Exactly.

So get off your "I'm too cool for that song" pedestal and next time a one hit wonder song comes on.....enjoy it. Let it take you back and help you remember "back in the day" It's ok, I won't make fun of you for it.

Final Subject:

New England weather.

Seriously...WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I've lived in New England my whole 24 years of exsistence, and while yes, I am used to it, I still cannot get over how wacky it is!!!

It's 15 degress out right now. Makes sense for december doesn't it? Well it'll be 54 on wednesday!!! HUH?! WTF!?

I always knew females were a tad indecisive but jesus fuck mother nature MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!

I feel so bad for the weathermen and women up here, their jobs sucks ASS. How many days have they said "Oh shit, 5-6 inches of snow!" and it ends up being sunny as fuck with a high of like...50 degrees?

I mean after awhile, why even try? They should just get up in front of a CG map of N.E. and just go "Well some shit is gonna happen weather-wise...but what? We have no fucking clue."

And there we have it folks! Another entry, and no one got hurt.

Tell your friends! Spread the word of my Rants! Let's get people reading this shit!




twistedsymphony said...

First subject: meh politics... I'm tired of writing to and voting for politicians only to be ignored on both counts... wake me up when something actually changes.

Second subject: I never listened to Mc Hammer or Rick Astley. I did listen to some shit that I don't like anymore... I don't think any of them were one hit wonders though, lots of never-weres, or other bands that managed at least 2 or 3 albums with a fistfull of hits.

final subject: NE weather is like that because of the mountains... plain and simple depending on how high or low the clouds are the jet stream goes over or around the mountains, or gets split partially between the two... there's a reason the weather in the flat lands is either predictable or twister.

Unknown said...

I love one-hit wonders. Years after the event I find the track on a cheap album in a charity shop, and decide to give it a go... and y'know what? It's still awesome.

At least that's my excuse for listening to Hanson and B*witched a lot lately.

Vampire Chick said...

Dude you should try Minnesota weather... Bleah! I mean come on one day its like 70 degrees and the next you could go ice fishing! Then the next day it looks gorgous, you step outside and it is freezing!


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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.