A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Under pressure.

SINUSES SUCK. The whole right side of my face is in a shitton of pain because of them.

Dear people who live in New England:

You have absolutely NO excuse as to why you can't try in the snow. Quit being scared. I'm not asking you to speed, but fuck, at least go 50 on the damned highway.

Except for you truck and 4WD/AWD car owners. Quit trying to blow by everyone like you're hot shit, because we all know you're the fuckface who ends up being pulled out of the median or the center ditch in the middle of the highway. Your drivetrain configuration does NOT make you invincible.

Love Always,



Wolynski said...

I used to have really bad sinuses, until I had them drained when I was 14 and they never came back. Gruesome procedure, but it worked.

Very funny blog title.

Kris Krane said...

Holy Freeholies Batman!

This blog is thus-far one of my favorite blogs I have found on this site!

I agree with you on so many things.

Anonymous said...

OMFG You are a fucking male bitch version of me. YES!!! My friends call me Anastasia Beaverhousin. Peace Out. And to the comment by Wolynski....the procedure you had done is called "Roto Rooting". I am a nurse. Suck it up.


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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.