A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cartoons, Nostalgia, Maturity, and How they keep me from killing you.

Ok I'm joking about the kiling part. Relax.


I went and saw UP! today in 3d with my fiancee. EPIC MOVIE.

Out of all the movies that are out, UP is probably the only one with a decent plot, decent jokes, and that takes you across the whole range of emotions, from sadness to happiness.

Which brings me to the title.

I catch shit from people all the fucking time because I am turning 24 in a few months, and I am still enamoured with animated features, and even TV cartoons.

Why? Simple.

As a dealership mechanic, all day I deal with the general populace, and there is frusteration in that to no end on some days. So why, oh dear god why, would I want to come home and deal with watching people on TV for entertainment? Cartoons are one of the oldest "modern" sources of humor and joy, and after a frustrating day of dealing with real live people, why wouldn't you want to see an anvil dropped on a coyote or a cat trying to learn how to cook?

Besides, TV today is all dramas, reality tv, and crime dramas. Oh sure, there are some comedies, but c'mon....are they really funny? I didn't think so.

Yes I do watch some other TV, as Bones and House are GREAT shows with great plots and characters. But let's be honest, sometimes you just want to kick back and laugh at stupid things, and a coyote chasing around a roadrunner or a rabbit tricking a hunter just does the trick. Right?

Nostalgia. Another reason I watch cartoons.

I am a Transformers nerd. I admit it. Anyone who knows me on a personal level know this.

Why? Because, to be honest, I had a bit of a shitty childhood due to my mother's second husband, and other than music, transformers was my escape. I admired the principles behind Optimus Prime's beliefs, and hoped one day I would grow to be as strong as him, even though he was a fictitional character, he represented everything I wanted to be....short of a transforming cyborg lol

So why do I still watch the 4 seasons of the original Transformers series? Because it helps me reminisce about the struggles I've been through, and it helps me reflect on alot of things from my youth that have made me who I am.

Granted that show is definitely not the part of my youth that made me a potty mouthed wise ass ;)

Also, anyone who calls anyone immature for playing video games and watching cartoons needs to step the fuck back and look at themselves, because I'm sure there are things they do that are childish to help them escape the everyday turmoil that can cause oh so much stress in life.

Thank you to everyone who reads this, and stay tuned because I AM BACK!!!!!



twistedsymphony said...

holy shit... you were bored enough to make a new post?!? :P

Unknown said...

Heh, preach it brother. Cartoons are awesome, and age is nothing to do with it. I've got mates in their late 20s who watch pokemon and avatar late into the night, and they're the most fun people I know!

Good to see you updating again ;)


DreaBunny said...

You're gonna be 25, not 24.


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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.