A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Torch the Fields, and Pray for Rain

Ah when it rains it pours doesn't it?

I find it rather amusing when people think that they are somewhat better than everyone else because they have a college degree. I mean don't get me wrong, props to them for doing the "right thing" and going through the rigors of college (and the parties of college life), but I fail to see how that can make someone better than someone else.


I'm a mechanic by trade, and while I dropped out of college whilst pursuing my degree in english, I don't see myself as any less of a user of the english language, and nor do I see myself as great for being a mechanic....

....so it fucking grinds my gears (yes that's a family guy reference) when I diagnose a car's problems, and the owner of the vehicle says, "well my son went to (insert auto school here), and he says that there is no way that can be the problem.

Oh? Then why the fuck isn't he working on it?

And then comes the obvious "well I'm sure when you went to school to fix cars you mast have learned the right way and wrong way to diagnose these things"....

I love the look on their stuck up faces when I calmly say "I studied english in college, and only became a mechanic because I'm too broke to pay someone else to fix my cars".

I dunno, maybe I'm nitpicking here, but if you bring your car to me to be fixed, do you or don't you want me to fix it? Or did you just bring it here so me and your son can compare notes and talk cars?

The best is when they ask me to look at the car, tell me I'm wrong, and then they come back a week later saying their son found that the issue was what I said it was in the first place, and that he doesn't even have the right tools to fix the issue (for things such as rear wheel bearings).

I mean I don't go into ice cream places asking for a sundae, and then tell them they're doing it wrong because my brother (100% serious here) graduated from a culinary college and that's not the way he would make it, now do I?????

Although, the only people I think we need to tell they're doing it wrong are the politicians. But we all knew that ;)

Till next time folks!


ps. I've been at work from 7am and I'll be here until 7pm. I'm so bored that not only am I updating this, but I've been hiding in the back seat of cars that on of the other techs have been working on and jumping out at them when they get in the front seat. Yeah, I'm an ass like that, BUT IT'S SO FUN!!!


RIP Heath Ledger :(


twistedsymphony said...

The only reason you meet engineers who are assholes is because you'd never be able to tell the ones who aren't apart from normal people who just let you do your job.

RedEvil said...

ah but see I didn't mean engineers.


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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.