I would like to take a moment and announce that Honey Dew Donuts has the BEST fucking pre-made (cmon we know that shit isn't fresh) hot chocolate ever.
On to business.
Fuck you Rolling Stone magazine. Over the years I have never come across such a failed attempt of a group of people trying to write about music. To say they are biased would be only the tip of the fail iceberg.
I mean seriously, who the fuck actually considers Kurt Cobain a talented singer and guitarist? TWO OF HIS FUCKING SONGS WERE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME SET OF FUCKING RIFFS! Nevermind the fact that he didn't actually sing, so much as whine his way through songs. Yet somehow, some fucking way, he made it on both of Failing Stone's top 100 singers list, and top 100 guitarists list within the top 30....HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE?! Hell nevermind that, how is it Janis fucking Joplin is on the list of singer, ms. i sound like a bitch with a sore throat vomiting into a mic herself, make it on the singer list.....but yet Brad Delp from Boston, who WAS KNOWN FOR HIS ACTUAL SINGING ABILITY didn't?! Nevermind even that, how'd she make it higher on the list than Steve Perry from Journey?
I love how Rolling Stone will be all about a trend or a band, and then as soon as it/they become unpopular, they start the bash wagon up. Example? I remember them talking positively about Mudvayne when they first arrived on the music scene a few years back, but in this month's issue about the top albums/artists from the first 2000s decade, (I swear they have worse lists than VH1) they're referring to them and Limp Bizkit as baggy jean wearing dipshits....
Holy hypocrisy Batman.
Moving on, as I'm trying not to give myself a heart attack over this shit.....
Fuck its cold outside (11deg F to be exact) but you know what? It doesn't bother me. Yep I said it. It's just come to a point of after living in New England for 25 years, I've just come to expect it. And besides, if it's this cold, it won't snow. HA!
Christmas is next week. Thank (religious deity). I'm even more broke than usual, trying to get the Nissan Situation situated, and trying to get people gifts. And yes, I am that person who actually feels bad for not getting people gifts. I don't know when I developed that problem, but yeah.
I just saw a commercial for Mariah
Anyone ever notice that after christmas and new years (I prefer new years btw, much better parties), the next decent holiday isn't until March (St. Patty's Day!)? Don't even try to bring that "Oh what about valentine's day" bullshit in here. Valentine's day, much like Columbus day isn't a real fucking holiday. If anything its another shot for Hallmark and other card vendors to stay in the financial black.
And why the fuck does columbus have a holiday?! "He discovered America!"... WRONG. 1. HE LANDED ON PUERTO RICO. 2.How did he discover something that was already here, and already had people living within its coasts?!
Yes, he proved the world wasn't flat. Goody gumdrops. Dr. Gattling proved you could put a fuckton of bullets into the air at person via the gattling gun, but he doesn't have a holiday does he?!
So as we know, I'm all for leaving Tiger (tiger tiger) Woods (y'all) alone. However, I am wondering when that idiot who did the Leave Britney Alone video is going to pop up for another shot at 15sec of fame with a "Leave Tiger Alone" video.
Extra points if he wears a tiger suit.
And a quick shout out/big ups to the following:
Phlip, for his section on why Tiger Woods should be left alone.
Kobe Bryant, because even though I am not a Lakers fan, his buzzer beater was epic, and lets be realistic, the motherfucker can BALL.
The Boston Red Sox, for picking up John Lackey.
Now to get serious for a minute.
Today 26 year old Chris Henry, wide reciever for the Cin. Bengals, lost his life.
I ask that after reading this blog you have a moment of silence out of respect to his family and comrades on his team.
Thank you.
What's with the Lady Gaga ref?
Kobain...I don't even need to say jack.
the more I read your blog, the more I feel like we're on the same level. Only, I'm not as loud about the fact that I hate everything. lol
Joe, can I tell you that your blog is amazing?? Haha I love coming here to read what you have to say, it puts a smile on my face!
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