A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Comfort Eagle.

So here I sit, for the 5th (one two the four fiiiiiffffff!) day in a row, with my left knee still out of commission.

I can't fucking stand it. Yes while it is nice to have a day or two off and sit around doing jack shit and playing xbox360, I'm bored of it.

Mostly because I can't do a deity damned thing. Oh wait, I can still go to band practice, but thats no fun because I hate standing in one spot whilst I play my guitar, so even that is kinda lame for me.

All this because of a little tumble at work. Seriously. In all my years (10) of skateboarding, I NEVER managed to mash up my knees this bad, and deity only knows how many times I ate concrete and fucked up my joints from the waist down.

I hate this, this feeling of uselessness. I actually miss going to work and working on cars. Its just so ingrained in me that I hate not doing it for more than a day. Although, I bet if I was actually able to go places and do shit it wouldn't be so bad.

I go monday to Dr. Schrek (pronounced Shrek and fuck me if i didn't have to use all my willpower not to laugh in his face when he introduced himself) to find out the fate of my knee, and the fate of my summer. If I tore something, I may need surgery and rehab, and I will not be able to drive 2 out of my beloved 3 cars. I will go insane. I will kill someone over this. Bet on it.

I am a firm believer in Karma (yes fuckheads I do believe in something), and as such I would like to know what I've done that is so horribly wrong to deserve the shitty month of February that I endured.

Meanwhile, uptown....

I was watching a newer episode of Family Guy the other night, in which Chris goes on a date with a girl who has Down Syndrome. Now, I'm sure you can imagine the hilarity, and especially the song about impressing said girl that you Steward Griffin sing while helping dear dipshit Chris get ready for his date (look it up it MUST be on youtube by now). Come to find out (from Das Lau of all people) , captain of the dipshit express herself Sarah Palin was deeply offended and ready to sue Seth McFarlane if he didn't make a heartfelt pulic apology.

Wait. What?

Seriously? Listen, I know she has a kid or her kid has a kid like that (I forget to be honest and don't really care), but c'mon. Yes it was a tad tastelss and mildly offensive, but they didn't actually make the girl seem that bad, or did anything to defile the image of kids with D.S. at all. Also, how can you be suprised?! ITS FAMILY GUY. SHIT LIKE THAT IS WHAT GOT THE DAMNED SHOW SO POPULAR IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE YOU MEAT HEAD.

Yes let's sue because your feelings are hurt. Regardless of the subject, that is just downright retarded (oops! here comes a lawsuit). How can you honestly be so triggerhappy like that?

I understand it isn't exactly a show of good taste to make fun of people's disabilities, but WE'VE ALL DONE IT. I call bullshit on anyone who swears they haven't. Ever call something you've seen or heard retarded? BAM! You just likened that object or action to mental retardation, you insensitive prick. I hope every parent of a mentally challenged person sues the fuck out of you now. Lol.

I love how P.C. some ignorant buffoons have tried to make things in this world. I hate to break to you, but EVERYTHING is funny. Ever watch the Watchmen? If you haven't you should, if only to take in the antihero The Comedian's point of view on life.

Because he was right.
It is all a joke, and people do take things way too seriously. Most of those people are self rightous, ignorant, and just out to piss in people's cheerios (or frosted flakes) to try and hide their own fuck ups and personal flaws, AND to make themselve seem awesome to the american public (I.E. 99% of LIARS politicians), and probably just to keep themselves relevant and in people's heads.

I just don't get it I guess. Although I'm not suprised FOXnews hired her. Don't even start with that biased shit, as I am not biased, I think all news stations are a fucking joke. Some are just bigger jokes with less funny punchlines.

Oh and Tiger (Tiger) Woods (Y'all)?


Seriously, I've never seen someone famous apologize so much for something that wasn't illegal, and to be honest, something no one should care about.

"Oh but what about the kids who idolize him?!"

Seriously? The dude plays fucking GOLF. Yes I'm sure the majority of the world's children are hankerin for some hardcore professional golfing when they get out of school. LOL

Golf sucks. It is boring to watch, boring to play, and really isn't even a sport; its moreso of a means for men to get out of the house.

Back to Tiger. Ok yes he cheated on his wife (alot), but so what? I know I've touched on this before, so I won't delve too too far back into that hole (that's what HE said!). Yes it's wrong blah blah blah, but its HIS issue to deal with, not ours. Also, he went into rehab for sex? HUH?!

How is an adult male wanting to bang hot chicks something that needs rehab? A sex addiction? No, its called a penis. All (most) guys have one, and with it comes something called testosterone and a libido.

Wake me up when he goes nuts from not getting any and shoots up a golf course. Let's see an apology and rehab for that!

RedEvil, out.


Phlip just notified me of this information purtaining to the Family Guy Down Syndrome Girl episode!!

and I quote!

Fun fact:
The girl playing Chris' date on Family Guy has Down's in real life and spoke out in support of Family Guy and VERY harshly of the Palin family as soon as they opened their big ass mouths.


The whole Palin clan is just.....well, just laughable.


Phlip said...

Fun fact:
The girl playing Chris' date on Family Guy has Down's in real life and spoke out in support of Family Guy and VERY harshly of the Palin family as soon as they opened their big ass mouths.

RedEvil said...

AWESOME. thanks phlip!!! I will edit my post accordingly.


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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.