A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Do you let history guide you? Or do you set out to change it?

Let's see here.....

1. I just ordered parts for the CA18 for the S13 from Hell. Thank you FujiiSPL for all the help thus far, and throughout the rest of the monkeyfuck of a build.

2. How is it the closer we get to February, the colder it gets? Its ironic, unfortunate, and irritating. However, my car did get washed today, so I could care a little less I guess.

3. THE NEW ORLEANS SAINTS!!! Once again, Manning choked again, like he has done since college. WHO DAT SAY THEY GON' BEAT DEM SAINTS?!

4. This marks the first time in 6.25 years that I am actually attempting to make progress on that deity forsaken flat black embarrassment to the 240 scene. Hahahaha I still love that my car looks like shit, especially when I park it next to all the douchenozzles who think their 20 year old secretarymobile is soooooooooo much better than everyone elses. Yes everyone at Ziptied. com, I'm looking, pointing, and laughing at you. Seriously, who the hell gets conceited over some shitbox nissan concocted over 20 years ago just because they dumped 10k into it (way more than these things are worth) and put it into walls drifting on a regular basis??

My car is a ruthless, horrid, disgusting, rust infested, vomit inducing pile of good ol' parts bin abortion engineering, and it will soon have the underdog of ancient nissan **laughs* technology under the hood. So fuck you and the SR/KA/RB that somehow got you here.

Especially the KA. You should feel lucky if you got somewhere without breaking down halfway.

I know I talk alot of shit about the KA24DE, but I swear I have good reason to. I have never come across an engine that has caused me more problems. Even BEFORE I started drifting (which was a good year, year and a half after I got the car) I was getting stranded all over the place. I've been through two of those boat anchors. My 1984 Cutlass Supreme had the 231 cubic inch Buck "Even-fire" 3.8L V6 in it, and it LIT ITSELF ON FIRE due to a fuel leak from the back of the carburetor, and STILL STARTED RIGHT UP THE NEXT DAY. I had days when my fucking KA couldn't even GET ME UP THE STREET TO THE GROCERY STORE! Either way, fuck that engine.

To those who have had luck with it, more power to you, but I'm done walking on eggshells just to drive my fucking shitbox.
Moving on......

Ever buy someone something super awesome for their birthday and then say, "Damn, that's-ah pretty freakin-ah sweet-ah! I need one now!!"??? I just did.

Das Lau's birthday was the 3rd. I bought her a Google G1 phone, because in hindsight we were fucking idiots for getting the abortion known as a Sidekick, when the guy at Tmobile tried his little heart out to sell us on the G1 instead. Alas, we weren't sold then, but good god are we now.

So I came into contact on Zilvia with a dude who had one for cheap, with a charger. It arrived today, and deity fucking dammit do I want to keep this for myself.

Yes Yes Yes I know she's an awesome wife....but c'mon.....just this once?? Please?


But I now need one for myself. Partially because I am portugese and therefore being unnecessarily competitive over stupid shit is in my blood, and because Sidekicks are fucking trash and this phone is doooooooooooooooooooooope-ah!

Maybe she'll be awesome and re-gift it to me......now?

Meanwhile, up town.....

My band is pretty damned cool. I just wish we had some recorded music to post everywhere on the internetz0rz for people to indulge in.

Hopefuly we have our first show next month.

I miss being on stage. I truly do. In my humble (read: totally more awesome than yours) opinion, it is the greatest feeling in the world (well almost better than getting the best head/dome/brain in the world from the hottest female ever), and I've missed it for years now. Even when my old bands used to play really small poorly set up shows (battle of the bands and such), it was still fucking B. I loved the energy of being up there, the adrenaline of playing what we had worked so hard as a collective to create for the masses to hear.

Yeah, it was pretty fucking cool, and even though the past couple years haven't been so great for me musically, I'm glad I stuck it out, and I hope that with the support of my awesome collective of friends, this current band takes me where the others didn't. And I don't mean that as a FUCK YOU to my old bands, I just think that with each musical endeavour, people strive to make it one step further in the SCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNEE than the last time around.


Also, I miss driving my Bug. Its just way too fun. Yes, it has no heat. Yes, it BARELY has 60hp. Yes its old and goofy. But fucking-A dudettes, its pretty rad. Just to hop in it and cruise with nowhere speacial to go? EPIC SAUCE. Beautiful day with nothing to do? DUNNA NUNNA NUNNA NUNNA NUNNA NUNNA NUNNA NUNNA BUG TIME! BUG TIME!

And on that bright yellow as fucking hell note, I'm out.

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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.