A page for me to rant on I suppose. I'll touch upon all subjects under the sun. Stay tuned for boredom.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Oh what the fuck.

Ok people, can I ask a favor?

If you are driving, and need to take a turn....PLEASE FOR FUCK'S SAKE DON'T COME TO SUDDEN, ABRUPT STOP AND THEN TURN.

Turn your damned directional on ahead of time!

I mean fuck is it THAT fucking difficult?!

Also, there should be height restrictions on SUV ownership.

I don't understand how people can drive a car they can barely see over the dashboard of. That and WTf is the need for giant ass SUVs still?

Oh that's right. Status.

We as a species are fucking pathetic. "Oh look at my car, it's shiny and huge, therefore I'm awesome and cooler than you.


Buy a damned minivan or a station wagon.

"Well I have like 5 kids and they won't fit!"

Oh? THEN SHUT YOUR FUCKING VAGINA. SERIOUSLY. Sew it shut. Put clamps on it.

If you can't handle transporting a certain amount of kids without using a god damned land yacht, then you should be shot, and thusly so should your offspring. Ok not all of them, we'll let them draw straws.

I honestly don't see what the big deal about driving a minivan or station wagon is. Minivans can be fucking dope! Look at all the options you can get on a fucking Honda Oddessey! Or on the wagon end of things, look at the Subaru Outback Turbo, the WRX turbo, or fuck even the Forester turbo!! (shameless plug)

Oh hey, good job GM, you redesigned your SUVs just in time to fail! CONGRATS. Now you want to get bailed out?

FUCK YOU. Seriously, you fuck up, and we have to foot the bill? OH COME ON.

And Chrysler you've already been bailed out once, so fuck off. Get out of line, and let Ford in.

Oh and Ford, why are you still making mercury cars? The are just shinier Fords!!!!

Let's see what else....what else....what else....

Eh I can't think of anything else right now. Good night.

And thank you for reading once again. Tell your friends!!! oh and you mom too, cause she still owes me 20 bucks.

PS. Hiiiiiiiiiii Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike! <--dude built a fucking sega saturn controller to work with Xbox360!!! DUDE IS CRAZY! Seriously! Twisted Symphony FTW!!!

Now if only he'd buy some tools......


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Just a pillar of mediocrity trying to sift through my thoughts for some sort of meaning.